I have been playing Attila this very morning and I have change nothing in my pc during the day. I can't launch the game neither through steam nor the. When I hit the play button in Attila Total War and the launcher starts, it crashes. I've never had this issue until this afternoon. The author/sharer blames the launcher saying it needs an update so IDKĮDIT: To note when I had the particle effects mod file in the data folder even mod manger could not launch my game without it crashing. Looking at the comments from that mods comment section in the workshop it appears others have highlighted the issue of it crashing the launcher. It runs as a 'movie pack' which basically means it will always load (and first) so when I thought I was turning off all mods I wasn't really.

Originally posted by PFMan0waR:Not sure if it will help you guys but i'm pretty sure my issue was with the fairly new particle effect mod for atilla.