Which daedric prince am i
Which daedric prince am i

which daedric prince am i

While Mora could have orchestrated all of this for shits and giggles, I wouldn't count on this being the case, though. Then the Dragonborn goes on to defeat Miraak and then absorb all of his power. I also don't actually think it's correct to assume that the Dragonborn is massively below Herma-Mora and would be simply hand-waved out of existence, either, as Miraak was freely rebelling in Apocrypha and Hermaeus Mora couldn't do shit about it without recruiting the LDB. Even still, the LDB post-Miraak should be easily much more powerful than this (but this is contested, and I'm not really willing to argue for or against it I just like to think this represents a base-dragonborn, pre-DLC)

which daedric prince am i

the Dragonborn being half Vile's full power does not mean he is as strong as the weaker Princes). Firstly, Daedric Princes don't tend to vary in strength as greatly as a lot of people assume (as if there are tiers or something), since many of the encounters the Princes have with one another are situation-based (i.e.

Which daedric prince am i